Jan. 10, 2024

Unleashing Potential: The Art of Training and Trialing Australian Working Dogs

Unleashing Potential: The Art of Training and Trialing Australian Working Dogs


Hello, fellow dog enthusiasts! I'm Jacque Tinker, the host of "The Instinctive Australian Shepherd" podcast, and today I'm excited to share with you the insights and experiences from one of our most engaging episodes. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Erin Eckhart, a fellow Australian cattle dog aficionado from Texarkana, Texas. Together, we delved into the intricate world of training and trialing these remarkable dogs. In this blog post, I'll take you through the key lessons and insights from our conversation, offering a glimpse into the dedication required to excel in this field. We talked for over 2 hours…So this episode covers the first 45 minutes of that conversation.

The Bond Between Handler and Dog

One of the most profound aspects of working with Australian cattle dogs and Australian shepherds is the bond that forms between the handler and the dog. Erin and I have both experienced the depth of this relationship, which is built on mutual respect and understanding. It's a connection that goes beyond companionship; it's a partnership where both parties work in unison, facing challenges and celebrating successes together.

Training Techniques and Behavioral Insights

Training these intelligent breeds requires a nuanced approach. We discussed various techniques, such as transitioning from a down to a stand and the importance of dogs being in control of their movement. A key point we emphasized was the value of a loose-eyed dog in working with livestock. This refers to a dog's ability to work with a softer, less intense gaze, which can be more effective in certain herding situations.

Understanding the behavior and communication tactics of the dogs is crucial when working with livestock. We touched on the genetic factors that influence a dog's behavior and performance, noting that some traits may be inherited from the dog's lineage. This understanding helps us tailor our training methods to each dog's unique strengths and weaknesses.

The Challenges and Rewards of Trialing

Trialing presents its own set of challenges, such as ensuring the dogs have purposeful movement and addressing issues like "happy feet," which can affect their ability to work effectively. We also discussed the artificial nature of arena trialing and the resilience required to handle criticism from audiences and judges.

Despite these challenges, the rewards of trialing are immense. There's a sense of accomplishment in raising the bar for our dogs and ourselves. Continuous improvement is a theme that resonates deeply with both Erin and me. We believe in the power of constructive criticism and open discussions to foster growth and innovation within the trialing community.

Overcoming Obstacles and Embracing Growth

Throughout our conversation, Erin shared her observations on the difficulty of controlling stock, especially for loose-eyed breeds. We explored the different approaches required for working with cattle versus sheep and the importance of dogs maintaining a big-picture perspective.

We also highlighted the need for dogs to learn to come off balance and the challenges of transitioning from fetching to other tasks. This led us to discuss the importance of pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones, trying new experiences, and even organizing community events to share knowledge and techniques.

Conclusion: The Journey of Continuous Learning

In closing, our discussion circled back to the importance of community and the value of continuous growth and improvement. Training and trialing working dogs is a journey filled with learning from mistakes, building resilience, and fostering the incredible bond between dogs and handlers.

The dedication and passion that Erin and I share for this endeavor are what drive us to challenge ourselves and support our peers. We encourage all dog lovers to engage in training activities, not only to strengthen the bond with their dogs but to experience the unique relationship that comes from working together.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the art of training and trialing Australian working dogs. I hope this post has provided you with valuable insights and inspired you to embark on your own journey with your four-legged companions. Remember, the path to excellence is paved with dedication, understanding, and a deep love for these amazing animals.